Collection of postcards of the USSR 1955-1991

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New Kazakhstan — New Capital

       The steppes way passed over these places in ancient times and even at that time ancient Akmola was the crossroad of ancient civilizations.
        At different times this town preserved the central role both in the destiny of this land and country as a whole.

  • Развлекательный центр «Думан» Развлекательный центр «Думан»
  • Памятник хану Кенесары. Набережная реки Ишим Памятник хану Кенесары. Набережная реки Ишим
  • Памятник поэту Абаю Кунанбаеву | Центральный концертный зал «Казахстан» Памятник поэту Абаю Кунанбаеву | Центральный концертный зал «Казахстан»
  • Столичный цирк. Фонтанный комплекс Столичный цирк. Фонтанный комплекс
  • Новый Казахстан - новая столица Новый Казахстан - новая столица
  • Монумент «Қазаң елі» | Дворец мира и согласия Монумент «Қазаң елі» | Дворец мира и согласия
  • Огни ночного города Огни ночного города
  • Monument to Pushkin. Astana - Eurasian University Monument to Pushkin. Astana - Eurasian University
  • «Akorda», Residence of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan | The House of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Akorda», Residence of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan | The House of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • «Bayterek» Monument (Tree of Peace) | International airport «Astana» | Railway station «Bayterek» Monument (Tree of Peace) | International airport «Astana» | Railway station
  • Dzhambul Monument | The State Theatre of Opera and Ballet «Astana Opera» Dzhambul Monument | The State Theatre of Opera and Ballet «Astana Opera»
  • «Khan Shatyr» (The Khan's Tent) «Khan Shatyr» (The Khan's Tent)
  • Triumphal Arch «Mangilik Yel» (Immortal People)|Bogenbay Batyr (1690—1778) Monument Triumphal Arch «Mangilik Yel» (Immortal People)|Bogenbay Batyr (1690—1778) Monument
  • Nazarbayev University Nazarbayev University
  • Cathedral Mosque «Khazret Sultan» (The Holy Sultan) | Holly Assumption Cathedral Church Cathedral Mosque «Khazret Sultan» (The Holy Sultan) | Holly Assumption Cathedral Church

        During the Great Patriotic War Akmola became the economic, transport and industrial centre formed on the basis of evacuated enterprises.
        At the time of Clearing — Akmolinsk became the heart of clearing land and got a new name — Tselinograd.
        In 1997 the town was announced as the new capital of the independent Kazakhstan. It obtained exceptional outlines and new name — Astana.
        The Ishim (Yessil) River divides Astana into the new and old city.
        The streets, avenues, roads, housing, public and administrative buildings in the old city were greatly redesigned.
        The new city is the «Eighth World Wonder». The building structure is based on the general plan of Kurokawa Kisho, the Japanese Architect.
        Astana is an administrative, business and cultural centre, the symbol of spiritual renaissance in Central Asia.
        Flying avenues, unique structures, laced bridges, shady parks form an original coloring of the new city. [lang=ru]

Новый Казахстан - новая столица.

       В древние времена в этих местах пролегал степной путь, и уже тогда древняя Акмола была перекрестком мировых цивилизаций.