- Sketches and paintings from the virgin lands
- Evening on virgin land
- Evening rest
- The Awakened Steppe
- First seedlings
- They are going to the virgin land
- On virgin land
- Friends
- In the evening after work. Kazakhstan
- Before lunch. On virgin land in Kazakhstan
- Последняя загонка
- To the virgin lands
- The brigadier-shepherd of Kara Ulankina.
- Drilling a well on virgin land
- Затянувшееся объяснение
- Medical workers tent
- Noon at the field camp
- Virgin steppe
- Plowed virgin lands
- Valentina Fedyanina, foreman of the Komsomol female tractor brigade
- To new lands
- To praxice. To the virgin lands
- The first days on virgin land
- On the virgin land in Kazakhstan
- Refueling the tractor
- Surveyors have lunch
- May. Tselinograd is under construction
- Set of Postcards by Artist M.S. Kenbayev
- "Shepherd's Song"
- «Harvest Festival» (Left Panel of the Triptych)
- «Harvest Festival» (Central Panel of the Triptych)
- «Harvest Festival» (Right Panel of the Triptych)
- «Catching a Horse»
- «Dzhangildin's Detachment»
- «Conversation»
- «Fulling»
- M.S. Kenbayev. «Kokchetau»
- «Portrait of Kurmangazy»
- Paintings by B. Kustodiev. A set of postcards
- Self-portrait (When out Hunting). 1905
- Fair. 1906
- Grazing Horses. 1909
- Still Life
- Belle (Beauty). 1915
- Balloon-seller. 1915
- Hay-mowing. 1917
- Shrovetide. 1919
- Bath House. 1919
- Tradeswoman with Mirror. 1920
- Sketch for Catherine’s costume in A. N. Ostrovsky’s Thunderstorm. 1920
- Portrait of the architect I. S. Zolotarevsky. 1922
- Night Gala on the Neva. 1923
- Sketch for scenery to Flea. Palace. 1925
- Lebedyan. Church of SS Cosmas and Damian. 1926
- Portrait of Irina Kustodieva. 1926
- Boris Kustodiev. Abstract (summary)
- «Мать»
- Lacquer miniature. A set of postcards
- У лукоморья дуб зеленый Златая цепь на дубе том..
- «All power to the Soviets!»
- Буря мглою небо кроет, Вихри снежные крутя...
- «The Call of the Leader!»
- «Песни о Стеньке Разине»
- «Fighters of the Revolution»
- «Сказки о медведихе»
- «October 1917»
- The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda
- «An order has been given»
- Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda
- «For the power of the Soviets»