Collection of postcards of the USSR 1955-1991

About * Collection of pocket calendars USSR * Gallery of amateur photos

  • Sketches and paintings from the virgin lands Sketches and paintings from the virgin lands
  • Набор открыток «Актёры советского кино». Армен Джигарханян Набор открыток «Актёры советского кино». Армен Джигарханян
  • Vitaly Solomin Vitaly Solomin
  • Moscow old and new. Set of 1964 postcards Moscow old and new. Set of 1964 postcards
  • Russian Traditional Dress Russian Traditional Dress
  • Set of Postcards by Artist M.S. Kenbayev Set of Postcards by Artist M.S. Kenbayev
  • Paintings by B. Kustodiev. A set of postcards Paintings by B. Kustodiev. A set of postcards
  • A set of postcards «Portraits of Russian writers» A set of postcards «Portraits of Russian writers»
  • Комплект открыток «Экскурсия в природу. Лекарственные растения» Комплект открыток «Экскурсия в природу. Лекарственные растения»
  • Tomsk 1979 Tomsk 1979
  • Комплект открыток по книге Леонида Ильича БРЕЖНЕВА Комплект открыток по книге Леонида Ильича БРЕЖНЕВА
  • A set of postcards "By the sea of the Lukomorye". Palekh K. Bokareva A set of postcards "By the sea of the Lukomorye". Palekh K. Bokareva
  • Lacquer miniature. A set of postcards Lacquer miniature. A set of postcards
  • Жанатай Шарденов. Комплект открыток 1982 г. Жанатай Шарденов. Комплект открыток 1982 г.
  • Set of cards «Table Setting» Set of cards «Table Setting»
  • Medicinal plants. A set of postcards. Medicinal plants. A set of postcards.
  • Fairy tales of Valentin Kataev. A set of postcards with illustrations Fairy tales of Valentin Kataev. A set of postcards with illustrations